Iris papri kash is a stunning perennial that showcases large, ruffled flowers with a striking contrast of deep purple falls (the downward-facing petals) and white or light lavender standards (the upward-facing petals). This eye-catching color combination makes it a favorite for adding elegance and drama to garden spaces. USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9 When to Plant: Plant the rhizomes in late summer to early fall, typically between July and September, to allow the plants to establish before winter. Light Requirements: Full sun is ideal for purple and white Iris germanica. It needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to ensure robust growth and abundant blooming. In hotter regions, a bit of afternoon shade can be beneficial. Water Requirements: These irises prefer well-drained soil and are relatively drought-tolerant once established. Water them regularly during the first growing season to help them establish a strong root system. After that, they only require occasional watering, particularly during dry periods. Avoid waterlogged conditions, as excessive moisture can cause root rot. Care Tips: After the flowers fade, you can trim the flower stalks, but leave the foliage intact to continue photosynthesis. In late fall, cut the leaves back to about 6 inches in height to prepare the plant for winter. Every 3-4 years, consider dividing the rhizomes to prevent overcrowding and maintain healthy growth.Iris germanica varieties are excellent for borders, mixed flower beds, and cutting gardens, where their striking colors can stand out.