This is a thrilling comic book from DC Comics, titled "Countdown to Final Crisis #3". It features an incredible creative team, including Keith Giffen, Rodney Ramos, Jamal Igle, Jimmy Palmiotti, Howard Porter, Pete Pantazis, Paul Dini, Pete Woods, Tom Chu, Ron Lim, Justin Gray, Wayne Faucher, Jesús Saiz, Tom Derenick, Tony Bedard, Mark Mckenna, John Stanisci, Scott Kolins, Art Thibert, Sean McKeever, Carlos Magno, Adam Beechen, and many more. The comic has an English language and is part of the modern age era (1992-now). The issue number is 3 and it comes with a stunning cover art by Stéphane Roux and Karine Boccanfuso. The comic falls under the superheroes and science fiction genres and is a must-have for any comic book collector. This comic book is a great addition to your collection and will provide hours of entertainment and enjoyment.