This is a thrilling comic book from DC Comics, titled "Countdown to Final Crisis" and released in September 2008. It features an all-star team of writers, artists, and colorists, including Rodney Ramos, Keith Giffen, Mike Norton, Jim Calafiore, Jay Leisten, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Dini, Pete Pantazis, Al Barrionuevo, Tony Bedard, Mark Mckenna, Rod Reis, Jack Purcell, Art Thibert, Tom Chu, Justin Gray, Hi-Fi, Don Hillsman, Alex Bleyaert, Jesús Saiz, David López, Manuel García, Scott Kolins, Sean McKeever, Carlos Magno, Adam Beechen, and many more. The comic has a modern age era and is a part of the US Comics tradition. It is a science fiction and superhero genre comic book, published by DC Comics. The issue number is 2, and the comic is in English language. The cover art is done by Ed Benes and Rod Reis.