Enhance your garden with these Forget Me Not Seeds. These perennial pollinators are perfect for your outdoor space, attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. The mixed colors of pink, white, blue, and multicolor make it a great addition to any garden. These easy-to-grow and maintain seeds are perfect for those who want a low-maintenance garden. They are deer-resistant and poor soil tolerant, making them ideal for various soil types such as mushroom compost, clay, sand, top soil, loam, and peat. The seeds are cut flower garden ready and can be enjoyed in summer, fall, and spring. WHEN TO PLANT FORGET ME NOT SEEDS: You can plant after the threat of frost, but for best results, sow in mid-Summer. WHERE TO PLANT FORGET ME NOT SEEDS: Forget-me-nots prefer shaded conditions, but can do well in the sun. Choose locations where the soil has been well-worked, and has excellent drainage. Amend soil with plenty of organic matter. HOW TO PLANT FORGET ME NOT SEEDS: Water your bed until the soil is moist, then lightly rake. Scatter seeds by hand onto the bed's surface. Be sure not to water after the deeds have been sown. Cover your seeds with cardboard to block out light and help retain moisture. Wait a few days before lifting the cardboard, then mist the planting area with a nozzle bottle. When soil temperatures are warm, Forget-me-nots will germinate in just a few days. HOW TO CARE FOR FORGET ME NOTS: Forget-me-nots enjoy plenty of moisture, but not saturated soil. The plants need to experience a chilling period before being able to produce flowers, which will likely be after their first year. After flowering, the entire plant will die back. If you want plants to return, allow the dead growth to remain until the Fall, so it can naturally resee