Forget Me Nots BLUE Perennial Cut Flowers Spring Blooms Non-GMO 200 Seeds. Woodland forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) is an easy-to-grow perennial. Famously known for its pretty blue flowers, this perennial is a great addition to flower beds, borders, and rock gardens. The specific epithet, sylvatica, means, "forest-loving." Attracts Birds Woodland forget-me-not attracts birds like the Purple Finch and the bullfinch. The flowers attract these species of birds because they enjoy feeding upon the seeds. When the flowers are planted in a group, groups of birds may come at once to eat the seeds. Name Story Forget-me-not The name forget-me-not is used for a number of related species. Its use as a name for these flowers did not originate in the English-speaking world, but rather from the German word, Vergissmeinnicht. The English King Henry IV liked the translation of the name, and it eventually stuck. Many languages now use their own translations of forget-me-not for these flowers. Interesting Facts Gardeners often love woodland forget-me-not in part because it requires little to no maintenance. That made it popular across the Globe. Symbolism Hope, remembrance, true and undying love Characteristics Plant Type Herb Lifespan Perennial, Biennial Bloom Time Spring, Summer Deadhead spent flowers for second bloom in late summer. Conditions Requirement Difficulty Rating Woodland forget-me-not is super easy to take care of, with resistance to almost all pests and diseases. It is a perfect option for gardeners with brown thumbs. Sunlight Partial sun, Full sun Hardiness -20 ℉ Care Guide Water Woodland forget-me-not prefers wet soil and is tolerant even of saturated soil. It is important the soil surrounding the plant be moist constantly, so it needs to be watered frequently, always before the soil dries out after the last watering. Fertilization Compost is a good, natural way to fertilize the soil around woodland forget-me-not. Apply this annually. Alternatively, an all-purpose fertilizer can be used. This product should also be applied once a year. Scientific classification Genus Myosotis - Forget-me-nots, Scorpion grasses Family Boraginaceae - Borage, Forget-me-not Order Boraginales - Boraginale Plant Distribution Native Cultivated Exotic Uses Garden Use Woodland forget-me-not produce reams of pretty, delicate blue flowers with white or yellow eyes, making it a welcome sight during the late spring for cottage or country gardens. This perennial adds texture to borders and beds, whilst also proving a wonderful cover for the base of hedges or underplanting for shrubs. Give them a try and prepare to be amazed !