This is a highly sought-after comic book from DC Comics, featuring the iconic characters of Blue Beetle, Black Lightning, Grandmaster, Robin, Penguin, Green Lantern, Booster Gold, Hawkwoman, Blue Devil, Robert West, Batman, Metamorpho, Rocket Red, Harry Hadley, Mr. Smith, Joker, Aquaman, Looker, Nuklon, Flash, Wonder Woman, Overthrow, Hourman, Captain Atom, Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond, Halo, Gabrielle Doe, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Infinity, Inc. Mr. Bones, Manhunters Ms. Hunter, Shayera Hol, Catwoman, Mary Francis Cassidy, Green Lantern (Katma Tui), Wildcat, Jade, Obsidian, Superman, Lana Lang, Oberon, Hawkman (Carter Hall), Katana, Marcie Cooper (Harlequin), Harbinger (Lyla), Linda Strauss, Outsiders Geo-Force (Brion Markov), Green Arrow, Green Lantern (Arisia), Dr. Helga Jace For raw books we ship using Gemini mailers. Shipping prices vary on order sizes, some examples: - Up to 10 books shipped in a Gemini mailer via USPS legal flat rate envelope = $8 - Up to 20 books shipped in Gemini mailers via USPS flat rate medium box $15 - Up to 40 books in shipped in bubble mailers via USPS large flat rate box $22